Palm Beach Ohori でランチ!

The other day, it was nice weather, so a friend and I went walking in Ohori Park.

We killed time walking around the park and talking.

So then we decided to get some food.

We found a place called “Palm Beach Ohori” nearby.

It looked kind of cool and trendy, so we went in.

They have a terrace that overlooks the park, so we decided to sit there.

When the weather is nice, you can’t NOT sit on the terrace!

With lunch “Starting from 1200 yen”, I was a little surprised about the price, but…

They say they use ingredients from Itoshima, and I love anything that’s from Itoshima.

I decided to order the Itoshima Grilled Pork. For 1400 yen ($15 USD), it came with rice as well.

The dish is very simple, but even the vegetables were very delicious.

I think when food looks good, it tastes better, too. Haha.

My friend got the oven-baked fish, for 1,500 yen ($16 USD).

She was happy, it came with so many delicious looking vegetables.

We talked and enjoyed delicious food.

Days like this are the best.

入ったことないレストランに入るのが大好きです, ここにきてよかったです。
I trying new restaurants, and I’m glad I went here.

I’ll be sure to report about restaurants again.

Here’s an ugly face for the finale.

Don’t hate me.

39 thoughts on “Palm Beach Ohori でランチ!

  1. *ignores the sh%&Ӥ pigeons in the first photo*

    Wow, looks so delicious, but a bit expensive indeed! ^-^
    Pork, vegetables and rice = I 愛 (wonder if anybody got that stupid pun?! XD …)

    *ignores the last photo with the crazy, scary zombie face in it* εε= κ( ` ▽´)κケケケ

  2. すごく美味しそう!



    ミカエラさんの変顔さいこう(☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝

    1. いやいや、この顔文字が最高です!(☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝
      コメントありがとうございました! (☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝
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  3. The food looks delicious 🙂 I’ve been following you and Bobby on FB and I really enjoy the content you guys put up. I’ll be headed to Okinawa in a few days for vacation and was wondering if you had any “musts” to see, do, or eat while I’m there? Thanks, and keep up the good work. You guys are an inspiration to the rest of us.

    1. You MUST challenge the Tower Burger at American Shokudo…. But beware–it’s not something you’ll want to challenge alone. Buy and enjoy the many kinds of chinsukou cookies too. Also, Beni-imo (red sweet potato) is a specialty there as well. Beni-imo tarts are pretty common and good.

  4. Hey Ciale,
    have you ever ate at Arigato Sushi off Hillside Drive in Kamloops ?
    I know you have a video uploaded to YouTube, where you and some friends were eating Sushi. That one in particular didn’t look like the inside of the one I ate at.

    1. As far as I know, there are many Sushi restaurants in Kamloops. Arigato, Oya, Taka, Oriental Garden, etc,.. But the only authentic restaurant with sushi made by Japanese people is Sanbiki, which is where I made my video. The other restaurants are Korean/Chinese owned/operated.

  5. とっても可愛いのに変顔とかしないで!それと前から気になるけど割り箸を口にくわえて割るのは野郎のすることです!これもやめてほしいな!!

  6. ciera oishi desune it is interesting all the place in japan you visit ,i learn for my futur trip best to you from a eastern canadjin dessu montoliolu

  7. I just found your youtube channel and your blog, and I love it all! Now I am all inspired to get better with my own Japanese. & the food looks amazing!

  8. I randomly came across an article about you in Fukuoka Now and I had this feeling that we had met somewhere before. If I’m not mistaken we have a mutual friend Jeff T. and you came to Wakayama for a visit during your teaching days.

    I’m currently working for an international company in Fukuoka and interested to see if we can arrange professional blogging opportunities with you. If you’re interested could you send me an email and we can discuss the details?

    Of course, if this is a case of mistaken identity just ignore all of the above. =)


  9. 初めまして!!



  10. 初めまして!!




  11. ミカエラさんの大ファンです。これからもがんばって。楽しみにしてますね。

  12. Hey girl,
    I just dscovered you on youtube and afterwards here on wordpress. First of all: Your japanese is AMAZING! やっぱり日本に住んでいるなら上手くなるよね~!私ね三年間ぐらい日本語の勉強するけど喋りかたはまったぜんぜんだめと思ういますww
    I’ll be around from now on =) Keep it up!

  13. hey I think you’re really awesome (: I just watched your youtube videos (: For how long do you already live in Japan and how do u learned the language? when I grow up I want to move to Japan ^^ though I’m still 13 now.. Sorry for my bad English! Watashi wa Oranda-jin desu :3

  14. Hi you are so cute and cool, I respect you so much!!
    I am a Japanese live in Aichi, and I also study English and Chinese language everyday,
    I hope to be able to speak foreign language as well as your Japanese.
    Everytime I look forward to read your blog, please let me see your funny and cool blog.

  15. YOU TUBEみました 英語の勉強にとおもいまして、、、すいません
    福岡にいるうちに ちかえ こじま CAFE TECO クアトロオットーなどなど天神周辺は美味しくてリーズナブルな店がたくさんありますよ

  16. 時々ブログを読ませてもらってます。。あ、YouTubeも!笑。

  17. こんにちは。ミカエラ!初めまして。いつもあなたのビデオブログを英会話の勉強のために見ていましたが、今日、初めてこちらを見つけました。これから、いつもチェックしますね。ミカエラの英語は最近の日本の言葉をどういう風に言うのかが分かって面白いです。びっくりしたり、え?そんなんでいいの?とか思ったり。毎週、NYの友達とSKYPEしてるけど、もっと自分の思ってることを英語で話せるようになりたいです。ミカエラの日本語みたいにね!それと外国人目線の日本の紹介もすっごく面白いよ。うちにも良く海外からお客さんが来て滞在するけど正直どんな風に思っているのか良く分からないことも多いの。彼らはOKとか、good とか、I like it.くらいしか言わないからね。もうちょっとニュアンスが伝わればなあと思うけど難しいよ。とにかく、応援してるし、楽しみにしてるよ。あ、そういえば、静岡に来たんだね!?どこに来たのかな?会いたかったよ。また来てね。では。

  18. ミカエラさん、はじめまして。
    You Tubeでさっきはじめてあなたのことを知りまして、なんだかえらく日本ラブリーに
    根っからの鉄オタでして・・・ 最近、九州で稼働しているJR貨物のステンレス車体の機関車
    カナダには鉄オタっているんですかね?いないかなやっぱし・・・ それではまた。

  19. ぜひまたokinawaに来たくださいね。楽しみにまってますので。ミカエラちゃんkawaiiです。

  20. I’ve watched your videos and read your blog, holy sht you’re bloody good at Japanese. You’re a lot better than me and I am Japanese. It makes me feel embarrassed when I read all the Kanjis, I have to read the english bit to understand what you’re writing haha. My excuse of being so bad is I live in England and go to boarding school, I think it’s good enough excuse? Anyway it’s so cool how you’re like celebrity now with thousands of followers and subscribers, I can see you being big and on tele in future. Keep up the good work!! 頑張って(just used google translate for the kanji ha)

  21. ミカエラさん。私も宮崎日大出身とよ。。これからもがんばらんばよ。宮崎にも来てね

  22. Nice to meet you. I am icchi
    This diary writing English and Japanese, very good!
    I study English,and English diary.
    May I make this diary expressional reference?

    初めまして! いっちーと申します。



  23. hi Mikaera, I love your site! I lived in Osaka for seven years,and returned to Australia in 2010. Missing Japan terribly I have started my own blog, and yours is wonderful, it really resonates well with me! Check out mine here if you have a moment:
    Cheers, Ben

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