Zip! に出ました! I was on Zip!

Last Friday , I got a sudden phone call.

I was told that Zip! was coming to Fukuoka on Sunday, to interview me.

Zip! っていうのは、日本テレビの朝番組です。
Zip! is NTV (Nippon Terebi)’s morning program.

They say it is broadcast nationwide.


On Saturday I was super nervous, running around doing emergency cleaning, and practicing my makeup.

And then Sunday arrived.

We recorded video in my apartment, and also at Tempai-Mountain nearby.

It was a new experience so it was really fun.

And then, this morning, it was aired on TV.

I woke up early and set up my camera.

I thought 3 minutes would be pretty long, but the segment ended quickly.

It was edited and produced well, so I was relieved.

多分どーもの出演の時よりいいと思います。カメラになれてきているよー !
I think it’s probably better than the Doumo segment I did. I’m getting used to the camera.

Anyway, some people couldn’t see it on TV so I’ll post a -secret- link here.

I’ll keep trucking along here, so thank you for your support.

All of this is only possible because of you.

Thank you.

20 thoughts on “Zip! に出ました! I was on Zip!

  1. 放送前のユーチューブの映像を見ました。実際の放送はミカエラさんのツイッターからネットで見れました。見れて嬉しかったよ!有難うございます。

  2. Thanks for the video!!
    I missed it, so I’m glad you recoded it.

    Good job!
    I look forward more of your success!!

  3. 放映見ましたよ~すごく、綺麗で良かったです!これからも、色々な場所でのご活躍を期待しています!

  4. Hi Mikaera! I watched Zip this morning. Actually I am watching it every morning. So I was surprised when I saw U on Zip then. U are much cuter than you are!! …. I’ve never seen you though. (LOL) By the way I have been on TV, too. Asazuba (Mino Monta’s morning show on TBS), World Business Satellite (TV News on TV-Tokyo) and News Every on Nihon-TV. I can Understand you were nervous before the recording. Asazuba and News Every were the live programs but I was not more nervous than the recording program because you know I have enough time and room to think about it for the recording program beforehand… Congratulations anyway, Mikaera!

  5. 日本の企業から、もうすぐコマーシャル出演依頼が来るような気がします。テレビに出てタレントになるのもすぐでしょう?!応援してます!

  6. やったね、イェイ!NHKの歌のお姉さんとかやってもいい感じだね!CMはチョコとかお菓子のCMとかもばっちし!だと思うよ。sweetな感じが良く伝わると思うな!

  7. Haha, awesome !
    In this tv show there is Aso Natsuko, an idol who came often times in France 🙂
    I really appreciate her so I was so surprised to see you in her show !
    Congratulations ! 🙂

  8. 初めまして。Zipを見て、ミカエラさんの事を知りました。今、英語の勉強をしています。ミカエラさんの動画、ブログ、英語と日本語の両方ともあるので、とても勉強になります。教材として、使わせてもらいます。

  9. 日本もカナダも好きでも嫌いでもないって、過去のyoutubeのコメントに書いてなかった?

    1. 「日本になれている好きでも嫌いでもない外国人」は売れる話題にならないみたいですねw

  10. micaela i appreciate your jvlog ,all the culture of japan intersting me, instructive !! totemo subarachi desune .marc from montoliolu

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